WS 1 (2 CEU)
East Room 3rd Floor
East Room 3rd Floor
Barbara DuPont, JD, DNP, RN
Because DNP/APRNs are also increasingly called upon to play a key stakeholder role in achieving comprehensive, quality care for diverse populations, by improving overall access to primary health care, they must be prepared to identify emerging opportunities for increased DNP/APRN practice autonomy. Enhanced knowledge of relevant development in nursing laws, including new state scope of practice laws, in particular, is essential to success in the effort to “ . . . practice to the full extent of [our] education and training” (IOM, 2010). DNP/APRNs require a basic understanding of continuously developing law governing scope of nursing practice and restraints on anti-competitive conduct. That knowledge, combined with authentic leadership and applied to inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary relationships in provider organization insures the highest possible practice outcomes and optimal patient and professional satisfaction. To that end, this presentation opens paths to increasingly synergistic, legally compliant, nursing practice within any inter-disciplinary health care organization, as contemplated by the Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice (AACN, 2006). Importantly, you will gain an increased appreciation of the relevance of a legal framework in cultivating an atmosphere where fully collaborative health care practice is sustainable. We will work through the major features common to various DNP/APRN practice entities, including models such as the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH), Accountable Care Organization (ACO), DNP led “out-house” private practice and in-house practices, within a hospital setting.
North Room 3rd Floor
James Lani, PhD, Clinical Psychologist
The purpose of the presentation is to highlight how recent advances in statistical software make statistics more accessible than ever, both through increased ease of use and through measures that serve to instruct the user as they conduct analyses. By employing such user-friendly features, modern analytic tools allow nursing practitioners to better understand how the use of statistics can improve nursing techniques and practice.
South Room 3rd Floor
George Demiris, PhD, FACMI
Hilaire Thompson, PhD, RN, CNRN, ACNP-BC, FAAN
This workshop will examine ways to identify effective information technology tools to address specific practice issues. We will review examples of system design, implementation and evaluation in cases where technology was successfully integrated into clinicians’ workflow and health care delivery. We will discuss barriers and facilitators to adoption of technology in advanced nursing practice. Case studies in telehealth, electronic medical record implementation and evaluation, data analytics and precision diagnostics will demonstrate how technologies may become powerful tools and strategies for Doctors of Nursing Practice to improve health outcomes.
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