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  • #46045
    DNP Inc.

    Hello, Qween. I passed on your email and link to Dr. Danielle McCamey, president of DNPs of Color. She’s a great lady and the members of her organization are amazing. My hope is that they will click into your link and offer their insights to assist you in your work.
    Pease let me know how I can help.
    David Campbell-O’Dell

    DNP Inc.

    I’m slow to respond to your post but salute you for your thoughts and how well you articulated the challenges of securing and completing clinical or practicum hours. I’ve seen some venomous posts on FaceBook by groups that want to do away with programs for this reason yet this seems counterproductive to me. The idea of an organization that could manage NP residencies or fellowships sounds good, but honestly, it may be out of the scope or buy-in from most universities and regions. I know from past experiences that BSN programs struggled to secure their clinical experiences even with a county-wide or regional application that helped to promote this process. So – we continue to struggle and push through. Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights.

    DNP Inc.

    Thank you for your post and question, Avery. The challenge of securing a clinical site (for NP or DNP education) is tremendous. The discussions I see seem to mandate that schools provide the clinical sites yet in reality there are not enough for the number of students. It’s refreshing seeing that you are encouraging the investment of time to build opportunities. This is a good discussion to have.

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