• DNP Inc. wrote a new post 1 year, 3 months ago

    DNPs Defend Truthful Titles, Free Speech, and Livelihoods in a LawsuitMany nurse practitioners in California have earned a Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP), the highest nursing degree, and use the title […]

  • Hello, Qween. I passed on your email and link to Dr. Danielle McCamey, president of DNPs of Color. She’s a great lady and the members of her organization are amazing. My hope is that they will click into your link and offer their insights to assist you in your work.
    Pease let me know how I can help.
    David Campbell-O’Dell

  • Cardiology Nurse Practitioners – please consider completing this brief survey for Mary Greathouse’s DNP project at Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is designed to  (1) assess the frequency and type of depression screening occurring in cardiology practice settings and (2) assess provider perceptions of the importance of and…[Read more]

    For the study entitled: A Qualitative Project on the Lived Mental Health Experiences of Minority DNP Students

    Who are we looking for?

    We are looking for DNP students, aged 24+ years, live in the United States, and self-identify as a minority. You must be a member of DNP, Inc and be willing to be audio- re…[Read more]

  • Survey Implied Consent.

    My name is Shaneke Pryce I am a graduate student at Molloy University: 1000 Hempstead Ave, Rockville Centre, NY 11570.

    You are being invited to participate in this research study of An Exploration of The Influences That Promote Identification and Response of Trafficked Persons by Nurses with A Doctor of Nursing…[Read more]

  • DNP Inc. wrote a new post 2 years, 2 months ago

    This article was shared by our colleague Maureen “Shawn” Kennedy, Editor in Chief Emerita of the American Journal of Nursing. Thank you!

    CLICK HERE to view.


  • DNP Inc. wrote a new post 2 years, 2 months ago

    We proudly share an informative article from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. CLICK HERE to see more.

    Thoughts? Insights to share?

    • Skin breakdown and wound development are one of the issues that are affecting the cost of health care. The hospital is not reimbursed for the treatment of hospital-acquired wounds. Hospitals are losing much money due to wounds, resources that could be used to improve care in other areas. Wounds can develop due to long hours of staying in one position, poor nutrition, and disease process, and we need to prevent them from developing. Turning patients every 2 hours and as needed can help prevent wound development. Assessing the skin daily, padding bonny prominences, and good nutrition can help prevent wounds from developing. However, when wounds develop, we need to learn how to care for them. This article has presented a fascinating way to treat and care for wounds. The author Kathleen states that assessing the patient, their medications, nutrition, hydration, psychosocial, and the environment is essential for proper wound healing. Assessing the etiology of the wound can help us develop treatment plans using various technologies to help faster-wound healing. For example, my employment organization asks us to assess all bonny prominences at admission using thermal camera technology. This thermal sensing camera technology can provide data on the status of the skin even before the wound develops by assessing and comparing the temperature of healthy skin and that of vulnerable skin. This data helps us to identify skin at risk for developing a wound 72 hours before it breaks down. We take thermal pictures of heels and sacrum at each admission and primarily use the thermal data difference to correlate with the breakdown. Using this data, my institution is unreliable in case a wound develops after admission because there was damage already to the skin even though it was not visible at the moment. Deep tissue injuries always do not show the depth of the wound until after the skin breaks. Thorough assessment and teaching nurses how to treat these wounds and assess skin is essential.

  • DNP Inc. wrote a new post 2 years, 2 months ago

    We proudly share an article from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. CLICK HERE to see more.

    Thoughts? Insights to share?

  • DNP Inc. wrote a new post 2 years, 2 months ago

    If you are a nurse practitioner currently utilizing telehealth to deliver care to patients, I am inviting you to participate in this brief, anonymous survey titled “Synchronous Telehealth Fatigue Among H […]

  • This report centers the experiences of nurses of color in U.S. history and how structural and systemic racism have hindered access to educational and professional opportunities as well as institutional power. The report also reviews some of the ways in which these nurses resisted, challenged, and achieved within the structures of…[Read more]

  • DNP Inc. wrote a new post 2 years, 9 months ago

    “U.S. News & World Report ranking of NPs as the nation’s top health care job demonstrates the strength of the profession in serving patients and communities and meeting the skyrocketing demand for high […]

  • DNP Inc. wrote a new post 2 years, 10 months ago

    Here’s another important article shared by the AACN in their NEWS WATCH newsletter published 12/8/2021.

    See the full-text article HERE.

  • DNP Inc. wrote a new post 2 years, 10 months ago

    This article was shared by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing in their NEWSWATCH newsletter published 12/8/2021. See the full text article HERE.

  • DNP Inc. wrote a new post 2 years, 11 months ago

    This article is important for all DNP prepared graduates and faculty. We are proud to see the list of authors as they have been a big part of the world of the DNP and the DNP Inc. organization for many years. […]

    • Academia has always been at the forefront of not just advanced nursing practice, but nursing science as a whole. Some hospitals participate in the pursuit to reach Magnet Status- which is a status that indicates that nursing staff provide initiatives to create change within the hospital. To achieve Magnet status, nursing staff are required to have a BSN in nursing to qualify, providing that nursing staff have the education to participate in the changes needed to create a better work environment, for the current, and future of the hospital. This initiative relates to advanced practice nurses obtaining the DNP degree versus the MSN. It prepares the advanced practice practitioner to be a change agent in an ever-changing field of nursing. Transformational leadership has been described as has been described as a “style of leadership in which the leader identifies the needed change, creates vision to guide change through inspiration, and executes the change with the commitment of the members of the group” (Marshall, 2011, p. 3). DNP prepared nurses may find this style of leadership powerful because they may have opportunities to identify areas that need change by working alongside their colleagues (Chism, 2019). Having advance practice nurses obtain a DNP versus a MSN degree affords the practitioner to be the change agent to create a brighter future for nursing.

      Chism, L.A. (2019) The Doctor of Nursing Practice: A Guidebook for Role Development and Professional Issues (4the ed). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN 13: 978-1284141856.

    • We just covered this issue of how DNP graduates can fill the nursing faculty gap in my advanced role and collaboration class. After reading this article, I agree with the issue of making a doctorate in nursing, the main entry level in nursing advanced practice.
      The roles of Nurse practitioners(NP) have increased in the past years, and it is advisable to attain a doctorate so that more improved care based on evidence-based practices is provided. DNP graduates can use their knowledge, highest education, expertise, and background to fill all the complicated roles of the increasing demand in advanced nursing care. DNP graduates are qualified to help decrease this gap due to the knowledge and skills we have in research. Research is vital in furthering nursing and advanced science inquiry. A doctorate graduate is qualified, and I agree to educate all the NP to the doctorate level. It will be challenging to convince all NP to attain more education by 2025; however, this will be an outstanding achievement in the nursing community. Transitioning the current working nurse practitioners to a DNP entry level can be done by working collaboratively with states, national educational institutes, and health care systems. Financial resources can also help boost NP to attain their degrees. More faculties are needed that can teach NP to DNP. However, there is a shortage of nursing educators due to less pay and a large workload. Financial incentives should be provided to entice more nurses to enter the education field to help educate more nurses.

      • Thank you for sharing your insights, Rehema. One issue that this article doesn’t discuss is licensure. Advanced practice licensure is different for every state, which complicates the idea that doctoral preparation should be the entry degree for practice. This is called the LACE initiative (Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Evaluation). Have you heard of this?

        • With respect to the complicating factors relating to state-controlled licensure, it would be interesting to find out how the other health professions who require doctoral prep for ENTRY into practice have handled this. This now includes clinical Psychology (PsyD),Speech Path, Audiology (Aud D), Occupational Therapy (OTD), Physical Therapy (DPT), and Pharmacology (PharmD).

          • You ask a good question, Jean. I also wonder what other professions have in terms of licensure (state-by-state, etc.) I suspect each state Board of (fill in the blank) has their own rules like we do in nursing. If anyone can share more, please do.

  • DNP Inc. wrote a new post 2 years, 11 months ago

    The attached article highlights the contributions of peer-reviewers. The numbers are surprising. Thanks to Dr. Roger Watson from the University of Hull in the UK for sharing through the INANE group.

    A […]

  • DNP Inc. wrote a new post 2 years, 11 months ago

    To anyone and everyone that has an interest in learning more about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) please see this list provided by INANE (International Academy of Nurse Editors). This is an on-going […]

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