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  • #41114
    Ryan Lau

    COVID-19 has changed the world tremendously throughout these last few years and it has shown in all aspects of the world. It has changed the way we do business, communicate and interact with others, obtain supplies and materials, and the way we interact with patients in a hospital setting. This graph perfectly represents what is currently happening in the world today as are possibly currently located somewhere in between the second and third wave. As technology improves and more people become vaccinated, there will be more immunity throughout the communities which will help prevent the spread of COVID-19. This will eventually shift over to the third wave which would impact those with chronic conditions. However, we have not discussed the 4th wave which is currently happening behind the scenes and occasionally displayed over the media. It has been shown that many hospitals and institutions are severely understaffed just with the way hospitals treat their nurses. Many have chosen retirement or simply left to a higher paying job in order to receive compensation for what they feel is worth it. Many nurses who stick around understaffed units and hospitals currently struggle with both a mental and physical battle where there is simply not enough manpower to help complete the tasks of taking care of multiple patients. The mental aspect has to do with burnout as they are constantly being requested to come in and work overtime as the unit is unable to hire anyone willing to work. The shut down of many outside services has also shown that not only medical workers are suffering but those who’s income rely on face to face interaction such as brick and mortar businesses and services that require you to go in person. There is definitely an economical issue going on right now as the government continues to hand out money to those who are unemployed which may also decrease the incentive of wanting to look for a job until that fund is empty. This graph shows the direction that we are headed to perfectly and predicts the next step in the current pandemic situation.

    Ryan Lau

    In my work area, my coworkers were very encouraging about it and told me that because I am young, I should pursue more schooling before I get older and have to deal with family and other bigger responsibilities in life. I guess it has to do with the older you get, the more chances of you not wanting to go back to school. They were telling me to get my bedside experience and go back to school as soon as possible to pursue a higher education. In some cases, some older nurses may feel jealous deep down that you are leaving the unit or upset that you may be better than them in the long run but that should not stop you from pursuing your dreams and goals. I have been told however by many coworkers that pursuing a higher education is better as bedside can be tiring after some period of time. In the end, you make the best out of every situation and do what you want to do. If you put your mind to it and really have a passion to pursue the DNP role, then nothing will get in your way.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Ryan Lau.
    Ryan Lau

    This still holds true value two years from the start of the pandemic. Many people have become more self-conscious about meeting others in person now. This brings much awareness to the community about how something can spread so easily through common social interaction. With this instance going on, many have become scared to go outside as they are afraid of contracting an unwanted illness. In fact, this brings social anxiety and claustrophobia to greater levels as people will become unfamiliar with social interaction as they have not done much in the last few years. I agree that COVID19 has definitely impacted society as a whole and how it affected the entire world’s way of doing things. The area of social interaction has changed immensely from in-person to online. There are many pros and cons for this as we are able to communicate with multiple people at one time but we are not able to physically see or meet people in person. This allows us to connect with more people but probably leaves out feelings of emotions as we lose real-time interaction.

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